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Here you will find answers to questions about our offers, your orders, invoices, webhosting packages, domains - everything concerning the administration of your contract.
Domains 5
Here you will find answers to questions about domains: registration, transfer, deletion and much more.
E-Mail 3
Configuration and administration of e-mails
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Programs for creating and editing websites
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Answers to questions about your hosting: control panel, databases, FTP, PHP and much more.
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Most Popular Articles

PHP versions
Currently you can use the following PHP versions individually on your webspace:PHP 5.6 (outdated)...
What is a name server?
A name server (also called DNS server) connects your domain to a hosting server. It resolves the...
Will my domains be renewed automatically?
The renewal of domains is normally done automatically. If your customer account has sufficient...
Transfer domain with AuthCode / Transfercode to OnArtLine
To transfer your domain to OnArtLine you need an AuthCode (transfer code). You can ask your...
   FileZilla ist ein einfach zu bedienender FTP-Client mit vielen Einstellmöglichkeiten,...

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